based in london, the .ink blog is published by christoph hargreaves-allen (‘CH-A’) - AN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER, NEWS ANALYST AND INFORMATION-THEORIST.

For more articles by ch-a, please visit christophh-a. journoportfolio .com.

we’re living through the “GOLDEN AGE of intelligence”…which is to say the following.

CYBER-surveillance is ubiquitous; like broadband. our digital actions ARE monitored non-stop, 24/7/365. OUR PHONE CALLS are parsed phonetically and semantically - for intonations of mood and/or keywords, both of which can swiftly be monetised. known and unknown organisations track our behaviour on- and offline, collecting lists of our interests and habits, our fears and desires, and so on. potentially-lucrative activities are distributed and predictively analysed for their dollar value every time we click online. our digital activity is not only surveilled, in real-time - it’s also sold at virtual auctions conducted in nanoseconds. all the time that’s required for a click to open a new page, and enough time ( typically <1 sec’) for advertisers to select targeted users based upon their real-TIME actions. time enough for interested commercial parties to bid for then buy an ad’ slot on the next page you or I view.

according to a source inside the consumer finance and tech’ industries, the average click [with metadata regarding the user who’s clicking] fetches between $100 and $250 at automated auctions. details of OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP NETWORKS ARE HARVESTED every second…and traded between 2nd, 3rd and more parties. curiously, the profits gained from the sale of your personal data (and mine too) is pocketed by the brokers and their clients. the user - the source of this valuable data - receives 0.00% of the gross proceeds of this fabulously profitable sub-sector.

it’s impossible to hide in the 21st century.

the HUMAN NEED to belong and to communicate with like minds - and to seek PEER APPROVAL, across SOCIAL-MEDIA PLATFORMS - has led to an intriguing phenomenon. one that’s easily overlooked…

the abundance of individual exhibitionism on these platforms obscures a less-detectable, EVEN MORE WORRYING, tendency in most social-media userS. this is an unconscious DISPOSITION toward SELF-CENSORSHIp - especially when it comes to controversial topics. our increasingly UNQUESTIONing SUBMISSION TO DOMINANT NARRATIVES or political correctness contributes to the phenomenon - which is unexpectedly strong in democracieS where freedom of speech is taken for granted…AND YET IS exercised less and less.

the truth is, it’s not JUST what you do or say or like online. it’s ALSO what you don’t do or DON’T say online that reveals MUCH about you. this is the most valuable data of all. THIS IS THE REAL ‘CYBER-STALKING’ - INDUSTRIAL ANALYSES OF YOUR SHADOW SELVES.

yet our prudent approach to uncomfortable issues means we refrain from discussions of some of the most important dilemmas of our time. the INDIVIDUAL’S withdrawal from public discourse (FOR FEAR OF ALIENATION: THE PENALTY FOR BUCKING GROUP-THINK) creates a vacuum which misinformation and covert propaganda fills instead.

leading to the creation of a so-called tyranny of the mainstreaM - whereby web citizens are happy to agree with others but will most often decline to disagree IN PUBLIC - for fear of disapproval or social and professional harm stemming from the (courageous; DEMOCRATIC) act of SPEAKING FREELY in THE public DOMAIN. EFFECTIVELY, WE ARE STALKING OURSELVES AND OUR BEST FRIENDS.


ANYWAY. WE CAN’T HELP IT. IT’S AN ADDICITON. AND the aforementioned ‘vacuum’ is filled up BY, instead OF HUMAN TRUTHS, an ersatz, unrepresentativE ‘consensus’…which is manipulated and EVEN re-engineered by political agents and special interests COLLABORATING WITH them.

digital consensus-manufacturers have all kinds of agendas to meet, from political to industrial TO military to communications mandates. consent is manufactured when our personal opinions are influenced, through feedback loops, by topics re-framed accordingly so as to fit our profile. (it’s performed by algorithm.) NEVER MIND THE TEMPORAL ASPECT OF SOCIAL FEEDS - THE FAKE SYNCHRONY WHICH IS EXACTLY (THE SYNCHRONY, THAT IS) WHAT GETS US HIGH. SHAME IT’S AN ILLUSION - BUT, REALLY, WHO CARES?

the digital content we see CAN BE ‘virtually’ orchestrated by interventionists impossible to identify. the result is that social media provides a distorted or massaged version of the truth that has been manipulated much than it might seem. so well-disguised is it under its mask of spontaneity, it’s impossible to discern online intervention and surveillance.

the world we see online is a disingenuous facsimile of the ‘real world’. the breaking stories we seek in digital news are targeted, re-framed versions of the actual news - -despite seeming so real thanks to high-definition TV screens.

what we see is a mirror of some kind. just don’t forget the mirror is a broken one.

THE DEMAND, therefore, FOR REDACTED, filtered, verified and considered NEWS is higher than ever. Filtered news. call it ‘intelligence’, maybe - to separate it from the narrative-driven newscasters’ stories? if you like breaking news, the most accurate news is probably found only on a few wires and on bbc|world channels or in the better (print) newspapers.

information is over. analysis is the new ‘press’. the demand for no-bullshit news has rarely been sharper or higher. NEITHER HAS THE need TO MONITOR THE NEWS (and social) MEDIA FOR TRACES OF PROPAGANDA AND MISREPRESENTATION WHICH easily GO UNNOTICED IN our HURRY TO KEEP UP WITH a media culture permanently on fast-forward.






for Sir Walter Disney

“Give me a home

Get me that land you owe me so I can roam”

– Nas

When the wolves first came to town, there was – you can imagine – something of a ruckus in the streets and in the soul of Los Angeles. Previously, only a couple of zombie-drifters and an off-duty plane-watcher had observed the white-blue Arctic coat (and tail) of a Siberian husky swashaying through the city, like the cool tourist who got off the bus. 

White pelts and palm trees do not a naturalist picture make. Regardless, it had happened once or twice before, or so they say. This was a silvery anecdote, an urban legend. A wilderness fluke. – More likely, it was animal traffickers moving canine freight for big bucks, big buyers down Mexico Way.

Whatever. The facts slide; the legend remains. The reality is, one day a pack of Aleutian fangbangers showed up in the sunny City of Los Angeles. And when it happened, for real, you can bet your bottom dollar the newspapers went full focal. They puffed it up as an environmental meta-meme, blowing up a sensation across news waves everywhere for days and days. 

The end of the world is nigh! Surely, it must be, Shirley? Must be so, if you’re jogging with sled dogs on the Venice boardwalk? – They ain’t dogs, after all. They be wolves.

They were wolves indeed. And the wolves, they came from the True North. So what’s up now? How come this alopecia pack’s down here on the Santa Monica Pier, roving like 2Pac in a full pack and making life difficult for the amusement park operators? 

What’s going on? Something must have happened? Is there something wrong with the natural order of things? Did anyone hear the gong gong?

It’s not a migration you see every day. It’s nothing like a ZoomAlong. It’s as analogue as a mail-order catalogue. These mushees, they’ve come a long, long way. They’re down from Alaska. Past Fairbanks, past Denali - further south than any nordic hounds had ever strayed. 

These dogs, they live for ice. They go for snow. They pull sleds like there are no stop signs in the Arctic equivalent of the iglu ghetto. True enough, wolves are made of strong stuff. Then climate change got them on the sneak. The pace of change was something new. The pace was something they had to get down with; then it was something they had to jet south with. Flying SouthWest wasn’t an option, at least not for landing in Burbank without a bulletproof vest on.

Leave the tundra. Goodbye to glacial ice. Caps be melting, like Kraft on a tuna cheese melt. Accelerating faster than a microwave nuking base on a repeat episode of Miami Vice

For white bears, especially, it wasn’t so nice. Imagine if you had nowhere left to go. No still floes. No more deep-frozen islands moving like slow boats. Meltwater is the sound of a sorry, one-way trickle. It’s a CLOSING DOWN sale in iceberg country. Seems as if things are getting real struggly. The struggle is real. 

As the times change, there’s a chance some sentient beings may miss their respective exit ramps and interchanges. I’m sure y’all will get lucky: just don’t get stranded on a sheet of permafreeze with no windsurf sail attached to its centre of gravity. Lost and surrounded by endless sea. Cop a lift from a SEAL if you wanna get down with the new navy. Crystals are diminishing and the water is agathering, like every single day. Is it something somebody needs to contemplate?

Plan A? We all get swept away by a giant roller wave. Can be nasty, doggy paddle in a megatsunami. Let’s not worry about the End of Days. Just ensure you don’t float down the wrong river on the wrong day. Try, at least, to levitate. Sometimes – scuba divers, they don’t ascend again.    

Anyway. Back to the Wolf Gang. 

Canis? Te kanis?

Our pack of canes lupus lupus, they just arrived in the City of Angels. West Coast. The Left Coast. Although the axial distinction’s lost on them, handling things - as they do - ambidextrously. It’s a big deal for these heavy-pelted canines from the Circular Arctic. Call it culture shock. What a difference! Talk about a change of scenery. It’s not just the new colors and the subtropical canopy. It’s a whole new way of being, not least a brand new society.

You see, our wolves - back in their native territory - they’d never been threatened. Never had their lives been endangered in any ways. If they needed or wanted something, all they had to do was take whatever it was from their immediate environs, or else take from the keep of other species in their hunting colonies. They rarely, if ever, resorted to making any great efforts in order to obtain coveted feeds. On unique occasions, or when faced with home invasions, they may well have have been forced to apply the skills of intimidation. Whatever object they desired, they were entitled to possess by the local loi de seigneur. That’s how them wolves be wired. Such prey became their property, without contest, without appeasement – without belligerency. It was simply a matter of the keep surrendering to the preestablished hierarchy of that cohabitat. No big deal. 

So. Here they were. The Wolf Pack in L.A. The WolfGang, improvising like a Mozart Amadeus, and I’m not talking about no marzipan barz down here. No North Face neither. Here they were – homeless and displaced.

Where to go? – they asked one another, with little yelps. No phone, no app – no quick solution for these hairy vertebrates. 

Marina del Rey? – Nice vibe; no tundra there. 

Redondo Beach? – Nah. It’s like there’s no tundra anywhere. Not around here.

Then there’s the issue of the local…dogs. Canis familiaris. Like, highly-entitled comfort-beings. Apparently. More like, high-maintenance breeds, or so it seemed to our huskies this week. Pets – is what they call them here. Irritating varieties. Just take for instance those handbag pups. 

Chihuahuas? Rat dogs. Our white-fang posse, they was all agreed on this. Those skanky bitches, they’d make a nice catch. Problem is, they’d taste like cats. – Thus thought Alpha Dog. That moment, a shiver ran through the pack. Scientific data to date confirms that mental telepathy is shared by wolves when they roll in packs. Even the Omegas, lost souls, nomads, they’d picked up in British Columbia – even they concurred.

Plus, the sun shines too much – thought Alpha. The air’s too hot for these fur coats. And the cars! What a trip. Big and shiny, smooth or noisy: they’re all so big. So inefficient, speaking aerodynamically. They made him miss the runners of the sled he’d previously led. And, of course, he missed the skis of his master’s sled. Looking around 3rd Street Promenade he saw no obvious masters instead. None he was drawn to. The sitch was like a Code Zed. Leader of the WolfGang, unleashed and acting masterlessly. It was now his job to act decisively. 

The pack reassembles tightly, sensing Alpha’s almost-ready intent. And so as to assess the current situation. Where to claim their patch? – the question hung cold on their minds. It hung hot on their hearts like when an icicle drip-drip-drips until it subsides. Alpha’s pack, they growled in mutual agrees. This was, yes indeedy, a most foreign territory they now perceived. The beach, they’d decided collaterally, was just too much to bear. Yellow granules everywhere – hard little crystals got wedged between the pods of their paws and the hairs between their claws. They unconsciously ignored a nearby neon sign proclaiming Manicures & Podiatry. Across the concrete parking lot, a neighborhood tarot reader eyed the wolves with the disappointment of a trick that couldn’t be sold to the arctic beasts.

As for the sea? A deep, deep lake like they’d seen smaller versions of, in summertime in the Northern Territories. Here, so vast – their eyes couldn’t identify the furthest edge of the meltwatery plane. A horizon: that was all their hungry eyes could see. That’s no use for our pack – it’s no use at all, geometrically. 

Don’t go there, the wolf gang thinks as one. They pause their thought for a moment as they catch the scent of an ice cream truck.

Athens monday night still summer

Athens monday night still summer

